
Showing posts from August, 2021

Finding More

I guess you could say that I'm famous for supersizing my hikes.  You might also say that I have a tendency to underestimate distances.  Either way, the result is a longer hike than anyone expects... unless you've come to expect it, which - at least - my family has.   I just can't leave well enough alone. One of the problems is that I have long been rewarded, in various ways, for doing more... rounding up the mile... taking in the extra vista...scrambling up the rocks... or, "let's just go to the top of the hill and see..." Recently, we were camping at a state park in Adams County, Pennsylvania.  It's always fun to find new runs in new areas, and I'll usually try to find a route that is quiet and as traffic free as possible.  This particular week, I discovered a trail.  It was just over a mile up a steep hill to the trail. The trail was generally flat, and came out, two miles later, on a gravel road.  With the steep hill, an out and back would have...