What is "Normal," Anyway?
Last week, I ended with the above quote: Don't reach for normal, reach for better. Let's talk about that. We all want normal back, right? That's why there are so many strong feelings about reopening our businesses, schools, towns and cities after several months of "quarantine." Our activities, indeed, our daily lives, have been restricted for long enough that we are edgy, anxious, depressed, and angry. We are desperate to get our lives back, to be able to get back to work and school, to travel, go to concerts and movies, and to visit friends and family. The problem is, that although we are ready to get back to normal, this virus is just not. In this instance, the virus is in control. This situation disallows normalcy. In fact, I do wonder whether things will ever go back to the normal that we knew. I think that this is the root of all the chaos and division that we are experiencing as a community. , We want ...