
Showing posts from March, 2021

Does a Momma's Heart Ever Heal?

  This is for all the mommas.  I feel like the universe has been sending me messages lately.  I didn't really notice at first, but after reading through a certain social media thread, it hit me. If you are a mom, and you feel like your anxiety is through the roof, you are nowhere near alone.   It started with this: This definitely hit a nerve, because this has been me most of my life, but especially since becoming a mom. It is, in fact, why I spent two years in therapy trying to "de-program" myself.   Then, I noticed the commonality as I read down the thread and realized that it was all the moms saying, " THIS IS ME!! "   Next, there was a conversation that I had with the mom of one of my students.  I happen to be talking to this young lady about her worries, and helping her with coping skills.  In discussing our personal experiences, this momma told me, "I was never an anxious person, until I had my daughter. " Another social ...

All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Quarantine

Well, it's been a year.   I've definitely learned some things along the way... haven't we all?  A full year of our lives... wouldn't want to let it be wasted time.  A lot can be learned in a year.  Here are some of the lessons I've been contemplating, and in no particular order.   Blowing on a cake and then sharing it was never a good idea! And I mean, NEVER!  I used to watch people blowing out those birthday candles with a certain amount of trepidation... now that trepidation has converted to repulsion.  For sure, I've learned a TON about hygiene, and with great results.  Between the distancing, hand washing, and masks, I haven't so much as caught a cold in the past 365 days. Here are some other things that have been moved to the "never gonna happen again" hygiene-no-nos list: hugging people outside of my bubble (and I'm a hugger), traveling without sanitizer, shaking hands (nope nope), buffets (gonna miss you, Hoss's), close-talking....