
Showing posts from July, 2021

The Push

The summer before my oldest left for college was filled with excitement and high expectation.  He was so ready... he had done well in high school and had initiated the college application process by himself.  He knew what he wanted to do and couldn't wait to wave goodbye to his small hometown to head to the city.  The World was his oyster!  I was so excited for him that I didn't even cry when I dropped him off... just took him out to Primanti's and headed back up the mountain.  My day of reckoning came over Halloween weekend of that first semester.  I had the brilliant idea to take the girls to see a college women's soccer game and to hang out with their brother.  He told me he had plans, and I non-chalantly told him that was fine, it wouldn't bother me. It bothered me.   That weekend I had to face the reality that my kid was grown, had his own life, and I really didn't belong in the middle of it anymore.  Let me tell you, there was a gr...