I'll Be Over Here Decluttering.
Some time ago, a friend posted this quote to social media, and it immediately struck me as something I needed to think about. It's undeniable that I have some clutter lying around. I mean, if you've been in my garage, or looked at my kitchen table lately, then you certainly know this. I do have some emotional difficulty getting rid of stuff, but after considerable contemplation, my accumulated clutter is not made up of stuff alone. With some focused energy, I could easily do a sweep of the house and get rid of all the physical unnecessaries; the stack of junk mail waiting to be looked at by the addressee, the used water bottles waiting for the opportunity to be re-used, Meg's "thank you note station" that's still on the kitchen table even though she's been moved out for three weeks. It's the NON-physical clutter that causes me difficulty. Non-physical clutter, social-emotional clutter, if you will, is as restricting, if not more so, than the ju...