
Showing posts from December, 2019

New Year, Same Old Me.

New beginnings...  I love the whole idea of the New Year.  I've always enjoyed looking back at the year that has gone by - top songs, best movies, most impactful news stories...  There's a wistful and emotional me, who looks back with fondness as well as sadness at the passing of time.  Then there's the optimistic and hopeful me, who looks forward with anticipation and excitement towards all the experiences that lie before me. I gave up on the idea of New Year's Resolutions years ago - I never stuck to them anyways. Instead, I spend some time setting some intentions for the year ahead. It's generally the same story: to work to become a better human and to live a happier and more purposeful life. For right now, I'll turn to some song lyrics to express some of my thoughts about the upcoming new year. We hear so much, these days, about how divided we are, as a world, a nation, a community. Sadly, it feels true, but it doesn't have to be. We are...

God Bless us, Everyone.

People always ask if we're ready for Christmas.  Well, I never am, and to be honest, I never worry about it too much.  The Day comes the same time every year, whether I'm ready or not.  And I'll be danged if I'm going to ruin it for myself by getting stressed.  Because.... it's just like Dr. Seuss always said... It comes without packages, boxes or bags, and it's more than that anyways, and we all know it. I enjoy Christmas so much more when I'm not so intent on making it enjoyable!  My thoughts are fairly random today, but yes, they are connected, because they're all about what Christmas has come to mean to me... I've been thinking about this a lot lately. People ARE nicer - kinder, more generous, more loving and forgiving - at Christmas time.  I mean, it's great, but it's also sad.  Why can't we keep that momentum all year long?  Imagine the good we could do if we put our best selves out there every day, and imagine how much b...

My Grown Up Christmas List

Music has always been healing for me.  For as long as I can remember, I've turned to song lyrics to help me to cope, to celebrate, and to remember.  Most of all, I'm connected to some very important people through music, songs, and artists.  At this time of year, I'm listening to a little Christmas music.  There are certain songs that I turn to every year,   simply because of the emotional connection that I have to those particular lyrics.  One of these is Grown Up Christmas List (but it's only good when Amy Grant sings it).  The lyrics reflect an adult's musings on what she would really like for Christmas, and of course, it's nothing that could be wrapped and put beneath a tree... I think most of us would repeat many of these sentiments if you asked us what we would wish for a world in need.  There's nothing more profound that I can offer in that category.  I did sit down for a while, though, to consider what wishes might go on my persona...

It's the little things....

Life's moments can seem big, but it's often the little things that help us to get through those moments.  Our family has had some big moments this year, not the least of which being the losses of my amazing father-in-law, Jim McGonnell, his twin, the beautiful Jane Lynch, and our nephew, the courageous Setlar Sykes. The 'firsts' after loss - first birthdays, family get togethers, holidays, anniversaries - can seem insurmountable...  How will we be able to manage Christmas without those who were so central to the celebration? For me, it's recognizing and celebrating the small things that helps me to manage the big things. It's serving a Christmas pudding and custard because I served it every year for my dad.  It was his favorite.  Most of the time, I'm the only one who eats it, but in my heart, I'm still sharing it with him.   It's Jimmy putting together our stockings every year, including nuts, chocolate, and tiny little bottles, because t...