God Bless us, Everyone.
People always ask if we're ready for Christmas. Well, I never am, and to be honest, I never worry about it too much. The Day comes the same time every year, whether I'm ready or not. And I'll be danged if I'm going to ruin it for myself by getting stressed. Because.... it's just like Dr. Seuss always said... It comes without packages, boxes or bags, and it's more than that anyways, and we all know it. I enjoy Christmas so much more when I'm not so intent on making it enjoyable!
My thoughts are fairly random today, but yes, they are connected, because they're all about what Christmas has come to mean to me...
I've been thinking about this a lot lately. People ARE nicer - kinder, more generous, more loving and forgiving - at Christmas time. I mean, it's great, but it's also sad. Why can't we keep that momentum all year long? Imagine the good we could do if we put our best selves out there every day, and imagine how much better we would feel about ourselves and our lives! Something to think about for sure... Are you happier at Christmas time? Try jotting down why that might be. Then, make another list of why you might not be as happy at other times - make life adjustments accordingly!
Without question, Christmas is exponentially more fun when you get to spend it around children. Not easier, not less work, but definitely more magical. My kids are grown now. Willie, at 22, to this day has never suggested that he's not a Santa Claus believer. Anna, my realist, has been angry about all the "lying" since she was about nine. Meghan, with her tender heart, is willing to play all the parts. She loves present time like every kid, but she's also 100% in on helping with the preparations. My saving grace is working with children, because I get the best of both worlds. I can experience the magic of the season with the children at school, and then the serenity at home where things are less... chaotic. This week, I went to the cafeteria to conduct a brief survey. I asked the kids, "what is your favorite thing about Christmas that's not presents?" I'm not sure what I expected, but in a landslide, "family time" was the top answer! That was spectacular to me! Despite their door slams, foot stomps and attitudes, the kids adore their families! (Cookies, by the way, was the next most popular response.)
This is one of my favorites because it is reminiscent of one of my favorite quotes for educators: "Those who need the most love will ask for it in the most undeserving ways." Ponder these and make of them what you will. There's a lot of sadness out there. We can remedy that if we pause long enough to try to understand the situation behind the behavior. Love is the answer... now, what was the question?
The Spirit of Christmas is truly something that is to be found within ourselves. Now, there will be years when we take some time off from even trying to search for it, that's understandable, and totally OK. There will also be years when we will be called to help someone else through, when we will need to the the one who helps another to find their own spirit. That's one of the profoud beauties of life - we are all called, both to serve others, and to be served by others, and each is its own blessing.
I wish for you all that will bless you through the holiday season. And if, this year, you are not able to feel the spirit, be kind to yourself, and allow yourself the time and space to rest and to heal.
Take care of you.
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