The Most Wonderful Time of the Year... Is it, Though...?
I've struggled with what I wanted to say this week. How to write about the holidays, keep it positive, without being trite... how to say something meaningful without taking for granted that everyone loves this time of year? To be honest, I was totally over the "what are you thankful for?" question, and only put it on my chalkboard door, well, because it's basically what's expected for us to ask kids as we send them home for Thanksgiving break. I was over it, that is, until the first kid gleefully added his blessings to my door - and then he became my first blessing of the day... Carter is thankful for "the sun and happy people," Parker for Mr. M. (Mr. M. becomes a tail-less mouse, mainly because his head didn't turn out to be the right shape!). Corbin is thankful for his life, and Anthony for dinosaurs. So far today, I am thankful for Carter, for Parker, Corbin and Anthony, their smiles, and for Emma, the Angel - Barista at a coffee shop in Mon...