Hibernation Mode Activated
As 2020 dawned, I noticed a trend on social media. Rather than disclosing their new year resolutions, folks were sharing their "intention words," or a chosen theme for the year. I tried, but the only thing that I could muster up was "cozy." I've also been somewhat obsessed with cozy things: sitting under my blanket on the couch in front of the fireplace; squishy, fuzzy pillows; hot coffee before a cold run; hot coffee after a cold run; wearing only soft, fleecy things while at home, and trying my darndest to get away with it in public, also. It makes sense, when you think about it. When I was a child, I had two pet tortoises, Fred, and Freda. They lived outside in a pen, and as winter approached, we had to box them up for hibernation (now that I'm writing this, I'm not sure that any of this was ok, but this was the 70's and we know better now.) As young as I was, I started to think that hibenation seemed like a pretty good dea...