Don't go Changin'

Over the course of the last week, I've been seeing this meme a whole lot on social media, and I've been thinking a whole lot about it, too...
I totally love this because it's all true stuff, and it seems to be the trend in considering New Year Resolutions.  I mean, let's face it, making a resolution just because "that's what we do," is really an ideal opportunity to set ourselves up for failure.  And then, what happens?  We end up feeling like a failure and like the old, regular *me* is just a loser and a failure who can't even stick to a lousy little resolution.  So instead, let's celebrate ourselves and what we have achieved and overcome so far, not just in the last year or the last decade, but throughout our lives! That's no small thing!

You've heard it said that you can't truly love someone unless you truly love yourself first.  Psychology 101, and I know that Fred Rogers said it, too, so there's a good amount of validity to it. The same mindset asserts that we must have some level of acceptance of ourselves or our current situations before we can commit ourselves to change.  That's not to say we have to be content with less.  I think we need to accept that we are NOT content with the status quo before we will take steps to make the changes.  Also, it can be fine to tread water for a little bit... changing is TOUGH, and we need to really be ready to take the challenge and go for it with everything we have.  If we're not ready, we will not succeed.  It's OK to be OK.  

On the other hand... when you're ready, you're ready.  Humans are 100% mobile and so are our lives.  There is absolutely nothing to stop us from moving forward - WHEN WE'RE READY!  A bad job, a toxic relationship, not enough excitement, feeling grounded by financial security... Go where you can get what you need and want out of life. (Disclaimer:  I have NO REGRETS about my life, but it would have been fun to live in more places, for sure.)

This is very reminiscent of the Serenity Prayer:  Grant me the serenity to accept what I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." As you consider how you might want to continue with your life in this new year and this new decade, remember to:  celebrate everything that you have been, done, loved, and learned in your life so far; serenely accept, even love, your current self and life situation; courageously move forward with the changes that must be made; wisely distance yourself from anything that adds negativity or pain. 

Remember, though... those who love you, do so, not because of what you might do, or who you will become... they love you for you.  Just as you are today.  And that is beautiful. 

Take care of you!


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