Building the Happiness Muscle
I remember when my Mum used to call her Mum on the phone - it happened about once a week. Mum would hand the phone over to me to talk, and she'd whisper, "just don't ask her how she is!" Her point was, if you asked Nana how she was, she wouldn't hold anything back. You'd hear about every ache, every pain, every grey cloud, every raindrop... every possible complaint. My mother couldn't stand negativity. Indeed, she always encouraged me to "be like Pollyanna" when I was facing trials of my own. . This week, I've been discussing the meaning of happiness with some of our younger students. I ask them to imagine themselves in the future, living a happy life. What do they imagine? "Playing video games whenever I want." "Being a logger." "Having a nice house." "Being a race car driver." "Having children." "Living in the woods." "Playing baseball." ...