Having it all.
A friend of mine did something impressive this week. He declined a seemingly irresistible offer of doubling his income in favor of maintaining a positive work-life balance. I wonder how many of us would have that kind of self awareness? - to understand, in the face of an "offer I can't refuse," that I need to refuse it - for the benefit of my health and my family.
Just two generations ago, there was no concept of "work-life" balance as a component of healthy lifestyle; no understanding of the link between stress and wellness; bread-winners have simply been working themselves ragged for decades. As a result, we have a generation of folks plagued by high blood pressure, heart disease, digestive issues and the highest rate of mental illness diagnoses in history. It seems that millennials, who are projected to make up 75% of the workforce by 2025 (Kohll: Forbes.com), are making work-life balance a priority. This generation is now on the lookout for careers that will afford them, not so much financial gain, but opportunities for living life to the fullest - adequate personal time allowances, telecommuting possibilities, and benefits that include provisons for physical and mental health and wellness. Employers have their work cut out for them in attracting this population! These kids simply want more out of life than a salary!
In truth, our millennials are on to something. How many people do you know who have retired, only to suffer from poor health in their "golden years?" ("Way too many," is my answer to that question.) We already know that chronic stress is linked to a host of health problems. Chronic work stress is also connected to burnout, and burnout leads to more problems for the employer: more sick days used, poor productivity, and high staff turnover. For those of us in service industries, burnout is also connected to secondary stress - that which we experience when helping others cope with their own life situations.
What do YOU want out of life? I want enough - I want just enough money to do the things I love to do. And I want just enough time to spend with my people. Not so complicated.
Once again, it all boils down to taking care of ourselves to protect our health and well being. Think of it as a perk of living during the wellness revolution! Staying healthy means you get to do things that you love and things that make you happy EVERY SINGLE DAY! Yay for us!!
You can't pour from an empty cup - Take care of you. xx
(Side note - Pay attention to the quote sources today - very deliberately chosen. Very wise women!)
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