Quarantine Fifteen???
So. We are now submerged in the reality that is quarantine. I wonder if any of us really believed that we would be here, or imagined how it would feel to be confined to our homes with only the internet and Netflix for company? (Thank GOODNESS for the internet!!!)
Well, I don't know about you, but my daughter and I are finding that we are heading for the snacks a lot. Is it stress eating? Are you looking for comfort foods? Reaching for the bottle of wine to be able to relax at night? I definitely don't want to be dealing with having to lose the quarantine fifteen in a couple of months, but there's more to it than that.
What I eat directly impacts my mental health and mental clarity.
Over the course of the last nine months, I have totally revamped my eating habits. Initially, I decided to drop a few pounds to make my runs a little easier. What I discovered about myself was startling. Choosing healthy foods consistently, over time, has had a huge positive impact on my anxiety levels, feelings of well being, my memory, and my mental clarity. I feel happier, more relaxed, less anxious, more energy, and more "on the ball." I was completely blown away by this when I started to realize what was going on, so I did some research.
You know how we've always been told, and always accepted, that too much stress will cause stomach problems? Do you remember people getting diagnosed with stomach ulcers following periods of high emotional stress? That's stress on the brain and emotions having a physical impact on the stomach and digestive system. It's reasonable, then, to expect that the same will be true in reverse: an unhealthy "gut" will have a negative impact on your brain and emotions.
It's known in the health field as "gut health." It sounds horrible and I hate saying it, but, from personal experience, I'm a believer! After doing a lot of reading I noticed that most of the foods that I have started eating consistently are very good for gut health. Maintaining good gut health involves including foods that promote and support a balance of all the bacteria in your gut that process foods and keep everything evened out in there. Like I said, gross, but real. Gut health is proving to be tremendously beneficial in helping to relieve or aid in the prevention of anxiety, depression, IBS, inflammation and pain, and diabetes (among other metabolic conditions).
So what are the secret, magic foods?
Well, foods that are great for gut health are:
Certain fruits, vegetables, and grains, such as; bananas, apples, garlic, onions, artichoke, asparagus, leeks, wheat, wheat bran, oats, and plant protein such as soy.
Fermented foods such as; yogurt, cottage cheese, kombucha, kimchi, and sauerkraut.
Obviously, our diet should never be restricted to certain foods, so these, at least the ones that you enjoy, could be included as part of a generally healthy diet. Personally, I eat a lot of apples and bananas, oatmeal, and I eat more greek yogurt than anyone I know. Greek yogurt and bananas has been my go-to lunch since last July!!
SO... with regards to our current stay-at-home situation, and knowing that our stress levels are up and for many of us, this is a time of high anxiety and worry, I want to encourage you to try to take some extra care with nutrition, and try to make choices that are going to be healthy for your body and mind.
Finally, a little plug for getting outside as much as possible. Walking, hiking, running are still all permissible under stay at home orders, as long as we are maintaining safe social distancing. Exercising outside and good nutrition are going to be literal life savers through these weeks of quarantine.
Please take care of you! Remember, we are all in the same situation, dealing with the same problems and worries. We are all in this together, and it's all of our responsibility to support others whenever we can... If you are struggling and you need extra support at this time, please reach out to me privately at kmcgonnell67@gmail.com.
And again:
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